
Image attribution: DLiebisch public domain.

#MeToo Jesus: Why Naming Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse Matters

Shiloh Lecture. Jayme R. Reaves and David Tombs, ‘Shiloh Lecture: #MeToo Jesus: Why Naming Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse Matters’, Sheffield Institute for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield, UK (16 January 2018). Lecture is 33 mins, plus further Q&A. Further info here.

The Politics of Torture

Annual Peace Lecture, Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust, University of Otago, 21 September 2015, (64 mins). I speak on the CIA torture program after 9/11, the politics of torture in Latin America, and the field punishment of Archibald Baxter.

Latin American Liberation Theology and its Ongoing Legacy

Inaugural Professorial Lecture, 8 September 2015 (57 mins). I speak on my personal research journey in theology and my longstanding interest in Latin American Liberation Theology.