Vendo Sua Inocência, Eu Vejo Minha Inocência (2024)
This article with Rocio Figueroa in Estudos Teológicos is a Brazilian Portuguese translation from our chapter in English (2021). Also available in Spanish (2021).
Things Too Indecent to be Recorded: The Soldiers Mocking the Death of Herod Agrippa (2024)
This chapter in Claassens. Graybill and Maier (eds). Narrating Rape: Shifting Perspectives in Biblical Literature and Popular Culture (2024) examines the mocking of Herod Agrippa.
¿Obedecer el plan de Dios? El abuso espiritual de las religiosas (2024)
This article written with Rocío Figueroa in the Journal of Moral Theol is a Spanish translation of our article in English (2023).
Art depicts Jesus in a loincloth on the cross (2024)
This article in The Conversation examines the evidence for Jesus being naked on the cross and explains the loincloth as an artistic convention.
Redress (2024)
This Lent Bible Study for Theology House (Christchurch) looks at the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 29-37) in the context of New Zealand’s Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse in Care (2018-2024).
'If people in the church knew’: Purity, Stigma, and Victim-Blaming (2023)
This article written with RocÍo Figueroa and Aton Hungyo in The Canonist examines the rape allegations made by a nun against Bishop Mulakkal in India.
'Alone and Naked': Reading the Torture of Jesus alongside the Torture of Miriam Leitão (2023)
This article in the International Journal of Public Theology reads the torture of a Brazilian journalist in 1972 alongside the torture of Jesus.
Discipline, Obedience and Abuse in Sodalitium (2023)
This English version of a Concilium article (written with Rocío Figueroa in Spanish) examines sexual and spiritual abuses reported in the Sodalcio scandal in Peru.
Jon Sobrino and 'the Crucified People' (2023)
This article in the online journal Religions discusses ‘the crucified people’ in the writings of Ignacio Ellacuría SJ and Jon Sobrino SJ. It examines the influence of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Rutiio Grande SJ.
Stripped of Dignity (2023)
This Bible Study on Mark 15: 15-20 is part of a 6-part Lent series for Theology House, Christchurch. It reads the stripping of Jesus as a stripping of dignity and explores the relevance of this for the Abuse in Care Inquiry.
The Crucifixion of Jesus: Torture, Sexual Abuse, and the Scandal of the Cross (2023)
This is my most recent book. It examines crucifixion as an instrument of state terror, a form of torture, and an opportunity for sexualised violence.
Pink Crosses in Ciudad Juárez (2023)
This chapter in Feminist Theologies: Interstices and Fractures (edited by Rebekah Pryor and Stephen Bevans) discusses the pink crosses Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) that protest violence against women.
El Abuso Espiritual de Religiosas. Caso Estudio: las Siervas del Plan de Dios (2022)
This article with Rocío Figueroa in the Chilean journal Teología y vida (in Spanish) explores spiritual abuse through interviews with former members of the Servants of God’s Plan. An abridged version is also available in English (2023).
Living in Obedience and Suffering in Silence (2022)
This chapter written with Rocío Figueroa in the the book Sexual Violence in the Context of the Church (edited by Mathias Wirth, Isabelle Noth and Silvia Schroer) is based on interviews with 3 women who experienced sexual abuse during their time in religious orders.
Asking the Right Questions: Noticing and Naming Sexual Abuse (2022)
This chapter in the book Theology as Threshold: Invitations from Aotearoa (edited by Jione Havea, Emily Colgan and Nāsili Vaka’uta) discusses Rachael’s Denhollander and her role in bringing USAG doctor Larry Nassar to account.
Reading Crucifixion Narratives as Texts of Terror (2021)
This chapter in Terror in the Bible: Rhetoric, Gender, and Violence (edited by Monica Melanchthon and Robyn Whitaker) starts with Phylis Trible’s reading of Judges 19 as a ‘text of terror’ and then moves to Matthew 27: 26-31.
Seeing His Innocence, I See My Innocence (2021)
This chapter written with Rocío Figueroa in When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse (edited by Jayme Reaves, David Tombs and Rocío Figueroa) interviews five women from religious orders who experienced sexual abuse.
When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse (2021)
This book (edited with Jayme Reaves and Rocío Figueroa) examines the stripping and forced nudity of Jesus.
Viendo su inocencia, veo mi inocencia (2021)
This chapter written with Rocio Figueroa in the book Abusos y reparación (edited by Daniel Portillo) is a Spanish translation of the English chapter 'Seeing His Innocence, I See My Innocence' in When Did We See You Naked (edited Reaves et al.) interviews five women from religious orders who experienced sexual abuse.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Seeing the Stripping of Jesus as Sexual Violence (2020)
This article in the Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies discusses Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse and how this abuse has long remained 'hidden in plain sight'.
Recognising Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse: Responses from Sodalicio Survivors in Peru (2020)
This article written with Rocío Figueroa in Religion and Gender interviews survivors of Sodalicio sexual abuses on Jesus' experiences.
#MeToo Jesus: Naming Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse (2020)
This article written with Jayne Reaves in Review and Expositor (special issue on #MeToo and #ChurchToo) is a reprint of our International Journal of Public Theology (2019) article on recent works that have recognised Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse.